
Monday, August 30, 2010

Legal Advice on Bankruptcy

Getting good legal advice is the most important factor in filing for bankruptcy successfully. In the past, some individuals attempted to go through the process by themselves. You may even have some friends or relatives who claim that they declared bankruptcy without a lawyer several years back. However, times have changed, and so has the bankruptcy statute.

In 2005, Congress passed a law which created some changes in the bankruptcy code. Many bankruptcy attorneys have criticized this law because they claim it is bad for consumers. Meanwhile, many members of Congress defended the law because they believed that some were taking advantage of the bankruptcy statutes and getting rid of their debts much too easily.

For better or for worse, the changes in the bankruptcy law are with us (at least for now). The reason that this is so important is that the bankruptcy code has become much more complex as a result of this new law. The law is so complex that even many lawyers struggled to figure out exactly what it meant. Judges will probably be making various rulings on the law and try to interpret its meaning for years to come.

This is why legal counsel is absolutely required if you decide to declare bankruptcy. However, not just any lawyer will do. As we have already stated, keeping up with the bankruptcy laws and their corresponding court rulings can be a nightmare for anyone not specializing in bankruptcy law.

This is why we highly recommend that you pick the lawyer who specializes in bankruptcy law. A bankruptcy law practice aims to keep up with all of the latest developments and offers you the best shot for a successful bankruptcy filing.

Serving Bronx, NY in the following areas of law: Immigration Law, Marriage Greencard, Family Immigration Law, Bankruptcy Law, Real Estate Law, Wills & Estate Law, Personal Injury & Article 81 Guardianships.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Should You Hire an Immigration Attorney?

Immigration to the United States is great, but the question of staying in the country comes up and that can be a bear to figure out. Immigration laws, are complex and are not easily understood. Most times, only a trained immigration attorney will be able to help. Many people misrepresent themselves, so make sure your search for an immigration attorney is thorough.

Make sure your immigration lawyer can solve your problem. You are not a number, and your concerns and fears are important in dealing with your case. Good attorneys can relate the information in a way that you can understand, and in a way that will not embarrass you.

Choosing a good immigration attorney is not always easy, as there are many who would portray themselves as being knowledgeable in the area, but aren't. Working with someone who doesn't know, can cost you money, and delay or make your situation worse.

Serving Bronx, NY in the following areas of law: Immigration Law, Marriage Greencard, Family Immigration Law, Bankruptcy Law, Real Estate Law, Wills & Estate Law, Personal Injury & Article 81 Guardianships.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Looking for an Immigration Attorney

When looking for a qualified immigration lawyer, there are certain things you should look for right away. Make sure your attorney is actually licensed to practice in a US jurisdiction and is in good standing with the State Bar. It sounds like common sense, but there are many who have unwittingly ended up working with those not registered or have good standing with the State Bar.

Integrity and reputation is important. Check around and get references. If you can't get references, walk away. Find out if the lawyer you are considering primarily practices immigration law. If their focus is criminal or divorce law, another attorney had better serve you. When you check references, make sure you speak with people that have the same kind of immigration needs that you have.

They should also give you a clear-cut answer on what it's going to cost you to deal with them. And last, but not least, they should not give you a guarantee of success but simply indicate they will work for you and with you to do the best they can given the system.

There is no specific requirement for having an immigration attorney prepare those documents for you, but not doing so can set you back months or years.

Serving Bronx, NY in the following areas of law: Immigration Law, Marriage Greencard, Family Immigration Law, Bankruptcy Law, Real Estate Law, Wills & Estate Law, Personal Injury & Article 81 Guardianships.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Cost fo Bankruptcy

Although there are a lot of people under the impression that declaring personal bankruptcy is a sure shot way of clearing all the debt but in reality all debts do not get cleared by claiming bankruptcy. Payment related to child support, alimony, any taxes that you bear, personal injury debts, education loans funded by government and any housing fee have to be paid even if you declare yourself bankrupt.

By declaring personal bankruptcy you are also liable to pay a fee that is associated with bankruptcy. These include fees that you have to pay in the court and also the fee that you require to pay to the lawyer. A bankruptcy attorney may cost you several thousand dollars.

When declaring bankruptcy please make sure that that you are taking the right decision. Take note of debts that will not get covered, even if you are declared bankrupt. Declaring bankruptcy comes with a number of costs. It is always better to plan alternatives like negotiating with creditors, building a repayment plan, making a budget etc. Even if you have two file personal bankruptcies, you can do that under Chapter 13 so that your liquid assets such as bonds, shares and property do not get confiscated.

Declaring personal bankruptcy has a lot of negative consequences. You will not be able to apply for loan or credit anywhere again. It gets difficult to get a job and you cannot even apply for a home loan. It is difficult to get out of the credit report for 10 years which can limit your credit amount serially.

Serving Bronx, NY in the following areas of law: Immigration Law, Marriage Greencard, Family Immigration Law, Bankruptcy Law, Real Estate Law, Wills & Estate Law, Personal Injury & Article 81 Guardianships.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What You Need to Know About Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy filing are at an all time high. With the economy in a downturn, people out of work and mounting bills, people are seeking relief. Fortunately, congress has provided within Title 11 of the U.S. Code relief in the form of bankruptcy. This part of the U.S. Code provides all forms of bankruptcy, including 4 sections that apply to individuals.

The filing of bankruptcy is accomplished by the filing out of approved forms. These forms, of course, attempt to follow the bankruptcy code and procedural rules enacted by congress. But these forms fall short of being an instructional manual. To figure out what information should be included, and to what extent, one must understand the code, rules, local rules, and case law. This is what the forms do not tell you.

For example, when filing for bankruptcy, an individual must fill out, among other things, something called schedules. Two of the schedules are Schedule B and Schedule C. Schedule B contains a list of assets, together with the value of those assets. Schedule C contains a list of claimed exemptions. A recent Supreme Court decision outlined the importance of listing the value and exemption amounts in such a way that the trustee can determine whether the debtor intended the amount as a fixed amount of value, or a percentage of value. This may sound simplistic, however, the forms simply ask for a value without explanation or reference to case law.

The failure of one to properly familiarize oneself with everything necessary to file bankruptcy, or to hire a competent attorney or bankruptcy form preparer, could result in unexpected consequences. This could include, but not limited to, the unanticipated selling of assets by the trustee or untimely dismissal of ones case by the Court; this stemming from a simple lack of understanding of what numbers to place where within the bankruptcy forms.

Serving Bronx, NY in the following areas of law: Immigration Law, Marriage Greencard, Family Immigration Law, Bankruptcy Law, Real Estate Law, Wills & Estate Law, Personal Injury & Article 81 Guardianships.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

What an Immigration Attorney Can Do For You!

It goes without saying. It’s great to have services at your disposal, but it’s important to know how effective and worthwhile these services are. Like any worthwhile endeavour, it’s is imperative to know just how valuable your ‘helpers’ are. Perhaps, the most important step in any event is to become as clued up about the subject as you possible can.

Why would you implore the services of an Immigration Law office?

You may be having legal problems. You may hope to gain immigrant status in a specific country. In this case, you may want to use the services of an Immigration Law Office. Immigration Lawyers in these types of offices have the expertise, knowledge and skills to deal with an array of legal problems. These lawyers are able to deal specifically with immigration regulations. Of course, companies such as The Immigration Unit, employ experienced Immigration Lawyers that can help you deal with your Immigration Legal Problems.

Serving Bronx, NY in the following areas of law: Immigration Law, Marriage Greencard, Family Immigration Law, Bankruptcy Law, Real Estate Law, Wills & Estate Law, Personal Injury & Article 81 Guardianships.